Anu's former roommate Wan has many a cool firearm and I have been secretly wanting to try my hand at shooting for quite some time now. What was holding me back? Oh come on, the same thing that holds me back every single time: a wildly intense and irrational fear of looking like an idiot. It's ridiculous, but for some reason it is absolutely hard wired in my brain that if I'm not a complete superstar at something the first time I do it then everyone around me will...I don't even know, laugh and throw turnips at me or something. I really do hate that I let that bizarre paranoia keep me from having fun, so I've generally resolved to be better about that this year. As such, when the opportunity presented itself I decided to go a-shootin with Wan, Eric, and Maggie. I would have loved for Anu to have been there, but work is absolutely insane for him right now and he's had to go in every single day for the past 2 weeks and work a minimum of 8 hours each time. Feel sorry for him? Well you should. So there.
Anyway, I had such a great time and I am so glad I went. I'm also incredibly glad Maggie was there too because she is a perfect partner in crime for situations like these. She has always had a great "go get it" attitude about life and she has enough guts for the both of us in situations where I start to go back to shrinking violet mode. She's also really honest about things, so I know that she's not going to trick me into doing something that was actually horrible for her. Hooray Maggie! :-D
We were there for quite a while, actually, and Maggie and I shot everything except for Pete (the big 9mm) and Lamb Chop (the AK-47). Oh...we also gave Wan's guns people names. Because we couldn't tell them apart until we did. Stop looking at me like that! The point is that I was a lot better at it than I expected to be, and Maggie was a baller too once she figured out how to work the sights.
The recoil sensations were a lot different that what I had expected. I suppose I always thought that you'd be knocked backwards by the force of the gun going off, but it really isn't that big of a deal (at least with the things we were shooting). Even firing Funshine (the AR) just felt like someone was giving you a really firm push on the shoulder, it wasn't a punching force like I thought it would be. Additionally, I feel like Wan would appreciate it if I passed the message on that silencers really don't make the sound that movies and tv have them make. It's more a metal slinky being whipped around. It's quieter than the regular shot, but more than that it just doesn't sound like a gun. If you heard it without knowing what it was you would probably thing someone was just messing with a chain link fence. It was interesting.
The moral of the story is that now I REALLY want a gun. I know, Texas has finally eaten my soul hasn't it? I still don't think the Blue Collar Comedy Tour is even remotely funny though, that says something right???
Here are some of the pictures we took at the range, the rest can be seen on facebook:
That last one is my first target, the majority of the shots are with the .22's (Smokey and Eduardo) and the crazy outliers are from Dottie who was way more intense.
In more unicorn and bubble related news, I am OBSESSED with the gift Anu got me for Valentine's and I am so impressed with his memory skills! About a month ago we were at DSW because it is far and away the best shoe store in the world and I needed new flat shoes for work. It's impossible for me to go there and not be distracted by all the completely impractical and amazing heels they have, so at one point I tried on this ridiculous and adorable pair that can really only be described as Barbie shoes. I know, you're losing respect for me right this moment. Anyway, I loooooooooved them to death but there was no way I could justify buying them so I just grabbed the cute black flats I had decided on and bolted for the front before my resolve could be completely eroded by the sparkling pink magic. This morning, however, when I went to take a shower after Anu had left for work (seriously, do you feel sorry for him yet or do I have to post a picture of him looking sad?!) I almost had a heart attack because they were sitting there in my closet being adorable and wonderful and in the right size. Best. Valentine's. Ever. I pretty much squealed and danced for 10 minutes. I am a happy, materialistic lady right now. Here they are so you can appreciate their adorableness:
OK, that's all I've got for you now. I hope everyone has had a great weekend and that the week to come treats you well. Wedding pics will be online for you to see on Wednesday or Thursday, so get excited!
Love and Kisses,
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