Friday, February 5, 2010

On the topic of fuzz...

Dear ladies at the nail salon by my house,

I know that upselling is an important part of any service industry. Sure I came in for an eyebrow wax, but that's a measly $8, wouldn't it be nice if you could also convince me to get something else done? I'm not going to GET anything else done, but I understand your need to try. We're good.

It is not, however, entirely friendly to insist that if I don't also get my upper lip waxed I will surely leave looking like Salvador Dali. The first time you asked, "do you also want the lip as well?" we were still buddies...again, I get the need to upsell. When you continued with, "but you NEED TO!!!! NEED TO!!!" it was no bueno. Here's the thing lady, I know I am fuzzy. I am a mammal. I am the daughter of a man who could easily make a toupee from the hair on his left calf alone. I take steps to reduce my fuzziness for the most part, but I do not look like this:

K? We clear? Some day I will be zapping my excess fuzz off with a laser, but until that day I'm OK with my day to day appearance. I teach HIGH SCHOOLERS for God's sake...I would have heard it from them by now if I was sporting a 'stache. Cripes.

I was in sales myself. I can't count the number of times I swore up and down to my brides that there is NO way their ensemble would work without a veil. VEILS MAKE WEDDINGS REAL!!!! I would push tiaras, petticoats, shoes, bras, jewelry, gloves, and guest books like  there was no freaking tomorrow, but you know what I wouldn't do? Try to tell someone, "boy...your arms sure are crazy fat. Are you sure you don't want a jacket, Shamu?" There's a line, ladies. Don't go stag leaping across it.

Love and Kisses,


  1. I have to admit that I succumbed to the upper lip wax in the past few months. HOWEVER, it was because it was bothering me, not because they continuously tried to up sell it. I resisted their up sell for months, but I finally said fuck it, I need to wax this shit!

    So good for you, fighting the good fight!

  2. Ya know, I have never noticed any fuzz...

  3. @ Alighieri...for real! I've considered getting it done before, but it's just not worth the maintenance (to me)and I'm certainly not going to be shamed into doing it!

    @janusnori I appreciate that! Anu said the same thing when I told him the story, " have fuzz?"
