Friday, February 19, 2010

A series of small things

It's so interesting to me that small, nearly insignificant things are often the ones that either make or break any given day. No, an amazing day isn't going to be considered awful if you spill coke on your jeans, but if you've had a day full of awfulness then it's likely to be that little soda spill that's going to send you right over the edge. I don't know why that is, but I can't count the number of times I've had horrible, catastrophic things happen all day without causing me to do much more than look grumpy only to lose my composure over accidentally rolling my pen under a cabinet. Likewise, I've had very very good days be perked up exponentially by finding five bucks in my pocket when I didn't know they were there.

Today was a decent enough day, but then during my (wildly obnoxious) 8th period class one of the students stopped me while I was handing out worksheets and said, "Hey you model? You have to model, right?" I don't know why, but that practically made the sun come out from behind the impermeable cloud cover we'd been under all day for me. It didn't hurt, either, when one of the other students agreed with him and demanded to know if I had done any modeling because she wanted to see the pictures if I had. It was goofy, and entirely likely that they were just trying to butter me up, but still. Thanks, kiddos.

This week has been completely ridiculous all around and I am more than relieved to see the end of it. Poor Anu is still having to work insane hours and it looks like it's going to continue for another 2 or 3 weeks. Then he'll have a break of a couple of weeks and it'll be right back to insanity for another month. This is obviously much more taxing on him than on me, and I feel ridiculous for even complaining about it, but the fact is that his absence makes it more than a little lonely around here. I would NEVER complain to him because I think he's amazing for sticking it out and working like this to prove himself and the last thing I want to do is make him feel guilty for being responsible and doing the right thing. You all don't mind though, do you? There, I've had my selfish moment and I feel better. Being under a pile of kitties helps too.

Anyway, I've been feeling really blue because of the general loneliness I'm dealing with and it's been a little thing that's been helping to keep me down. I was expecting that my wedding photos would be here two days ago, and as they had yet to show up even TODAY I was starting to get far more upset than what was justifiable. On its own a missing cd is not a big deal and is nothing to get more than a tiny bit frustrated over. On the heels of a really horrible and lonely week, though? Enough to make me kick the mailbox.

The good news is that I am going to go pick up the cd tomorrow so there is no longer any doubt about when I will have it. I certainly don't mean to say anything negative about my photographers, the pictures are amazing and they both have sick little ones to take care of and I absolutely understand that clients do not take priority over children. That having been said, I am very happy to be getting everything squared away. :-)

So what say you, my lovely readers? Any small moments that have made or ruined your day? Any tips for dealing with a case of the lonelies? Let me know, I think you're awesome!

Love and Kisses,


  1. I totally understand the loneliness, and not being able to complain syndrome! When I'm in school all day and come home and Andrew is gone in rehearsal till the wee hours of the night, it's really frustrating. I've gone weeks with only seeing him for about two hours a day. So I hear ya! But just know they are investing time now so the future can be bright and sunny!!!

  2. I agree with you 100%, I am so impressed by his dedication to our future that there is no way I could ever be annoyed with HIM. Still, I will be really glad when these next few months pass and I have a husband again, haha.
