Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Things I love

I'm feeling good today, you guys, it's nice and stormy outside and I'm meeting up with my amiga Teri tonight for beers and chatter. I was thinking that since I've got a happy vibe going right now that I'd do a favorite things post and share some of my warm fuzzies with you all. Sound like a plan? OK, bring on the pictures:

Strawberry Sour Straws! They are like CRACK to me, I snarf them down in a truly embarrassing time frame. 

Amy's ice cream Banana Splits. They make it into a little boat!

The unmatched tranquility of Assisi, Italy. Seriously, I have never been able to settle my mind the way I could here. It's pure serenity.

 Rome, Italy. One of the most beautiful places I have ever been...and I've been a lot of places!

My kiddos!

Hilarity from the internets...I collect it like raccoons collect shiny things they see in the sun.




Gulab Jamun and Kheer

Red Wine. What is white wine even FOR? Just cooking, right? Why would you drink a wine that wasn't red? I hope to die at the ripe age of 95 by drowning in a barrel of delicious Chianti. Mmmmm...

Tattoos! I have my next one all planned out and ready to somebody give me $300.

Cute shoes!

My amazing friends

David Mother Effing Gray. Did I mention that I met him? Because, dude, I totally did. I'll tell you about it sometime. 

Being married to this guy

And that is just the tiny tiny tip of the iceberg. I'll have to do more of these posts, I have SO MANY things I could list. I need to get some lunch now kiddos, my stomach is going to eat itself if it doesn't get delicious digestion fodder soon. I hope your days have been wonderful!

Love and Kisses,

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